Sunday, March 7, 2021

Project 4, Part 2+3

Part 2: Create Motion With Lights
 F7.1, 15'', ISO 800


Part 3: Freeze Motion With Flash, + Light Movement
F5.6, 5'', ISO 800

1 comment:

  1. Hey Audrey, commenting here to crit your photos:

    First off, both of your photos are great!

    Photo 1:
    I really love the color changing here with the silhouette of the person. Very good job light painting and having the lines evenly spaced between eachother. You might experiment with having a backlight under the person in one of the colors so the silhouette also has color.

    Photo 2:
    This is really cool how the keys are being lit by the light. What I would do it improve this photo (even though this would be hard) is hit the notes that the hands are playing and the notes that they just played with a longer exposure that way you can see the hands moving with the lights.

    Really really good work here.
