Saturday, February 13, 2021

Project 3: Part 1 (+ Weather Alternative)

2. Light and Shadow:  F20, 1/1600, ISO-1600

5. Reflection:  F22, 1/320, ISO-800

6. Silhouette:  F10, 1/500, ISO-200

8. Inside/Outside:  F4.5, 1/640, ISO-100

1 comment:

  1. Hey Audrey, commenting here to crit your photos:

    Photo 1:
    I think this is a decent photo. I like that it appears that the subject is holding something, which adds an element of depth of thought into the photo. Something that I wish was slightly different is that the ground was less busy. I think this would improve the overall aesthetic of the photo, as it would push more focus onto the shadowy subject.
    Photo 2:
    You did great with this photo. It has both a foreground, a mid ground, and a background through the window. I think having these three things adds depth to the scene, especially with the background being so obviously far away. I think reducing your ISO, and then increasing your exposure on this photo would yield a little bit more clarity, as the background subject is slightly grainy.
    Photo 3:
    I dont have much on this photo because it is all around great. I love the sunset here. Perhaps reducing your ISO and setting up a tripod and doing a 1 second exposure would increase the color here.
    Photo 4:
    Another interesting subject with a good foreground, midground and background. I think that the changes I would make to this photo are to reduce my ISO, increase your F/ and maybe dust off the piano so the glow of the sunlight reflects better off of the shiny surfaces. You could also play with your color setting on your camera here to get a more golden tone.

    Fantastic set of photos. Keep it up!
